
Here is the list of pre-learned verbs and their corresponding synonyms and actions.

check, uncheck

To check / uncheck the specified checkbox.

When I check "Extra Bacon"

click, double click, right click

To click / double click / right click on the specified element. If the element is not specified then the click / double click / right click will be performed on no element.

When I right click on "More options"

expand, collapse

To expand / collapse the specified expandanbel / collapsible element.

Synonym of expand : extend

When I expand "Settings"
When I collapse "Folder F1"

select, deselect

To select / deselect the specified value of the specified selection or select element.

Synonyms of select : choose, pick

When I select "Red" as "Color"
When I deselect "Blue" from "Color"


To drag and drop the first element to the second element.

When I drag "Apple" to "Basket"

To specify the drop position relative to the destination element, add the xOffset then the yOffset to the sentence :

  • xOffset : offset from the element’s in-view center point. A negative value means an offset left of the point.
  • yOffset : offset from the element’s in-view center point. A negative value means an offset above the point.
When I drag "circle" to "canvas" at "10" and "-20"

Offsets can be set as ratio values :

When I drag "circle" to "canvas" at "25%" and "4/22"


Synonym of enter : type

When I enter "Paris" into "Destination"

If the type of the input field is not input then it must be specified. Case of a text area for example :

When I enter "John Carter does not come from Mars." in "Your message" textarea


To navigate to the specified url.

Synonym of navigate : load url

When I navigate to ""
When I load the url ""

As tests are run remotely, please do not use a localhost url.

pick date

To select the specified date of the specified date picker.

When I pick date "29 SEP 2023" as "Start Date"

“Start Date” is the following date picker that displays september 2023 as “SEP 2023”.


To select the specified value of the specified slider.

Synonym of slide : swipe

When I slide "Quantity" slider to "10"


To perform a validation action ie typing on the ENTER key.

Synonym of validate : confirm

And I validate